Areas of Service
Student Development
Dr. Hartzler is a motivating speaker to Christian school students. His command of Scripture and use of personal illustrations clarifies meaning, captivates students attention, and enables students to make personal application. His messages from the Word are used by the Spirit of God to convict hearts and challenge students to commit their lives to the Lordship of Christ.
Chapels, Spiritual Life Seminars or off campus retreats, and student leadership conferences can be scheduled for 1-5 days. Topics for Spiritual-Life Seminars and Retreats are chosen after communicating with the school’s leadership about the needs of their students.
A few examples of seminar topics are:
The Conflict Between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan
Lessons from the Life of Shamgar
Why Am I So afraid of Goliath
Satan’s Plan for Your Life
Prosper vs. Perish: The Life of the Tree vs. The Life of the Chaff
Professional Development
Dr. Hartzler has the knowledge and experience to be effective in professional development for teachers, administrators and board members. He has served in Christian schools as a teacher, principal and head of school, and has also trained teachers and administrators at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
The seminars are based on a Biblical philosophy of education and years of practical experience. He applies principles from God’s Word to every aspect of Christian school ministry. A list of 75 seminar topics is available on request. (C.E.Us can be earned in Bible and education.) Broad categories of seminars with a few seminars listed as examples are:
Biblical Foundation of a Biblical Worldview
Creation, The Fall, and Redemption
Teaching Your Students the Attributes of God
Philosophy of Education
The Philosophical Distinctives of Christian Education
Accomplishing the Great Commission in the Christian School
The Biblical Basis of Christian School Education
Methods of Discipleship Training in the Christian School
Developing a Disciplined Disciple
Home-School Relationships
Working with Parents: Principles and Procedures
Educating Parents to Understand and Implement a Christian Philosophy of Life
The Teaching-Learning Process
Principles and Methods of Motivating Your Students
Accountability and the Underachiever
Qualities and Characteristics of the Outstanding Teacher
Parenting Seminars
After years of working with parents and their children in Christian schools, Dr. Hartzler has developed a child-training seminar which he presents at schools.
Understanding the Difference between Discipline & Punishment
Three Levels of Effective Discipline
Training Your Children to Obey the First Time (Without Anger)
How to Survive the Strong-Willed Child
Consulting Services
Dr. Hartzler is available for consultation with Christian school boards and administrators. Consulting services can be provided on-site, by phone, or by email. Other experienced Christian educators may be utilized to help with consultations and board seminars.
Dr. Hartzler has helped administrators and boards with
Evaluating and Helping the Marginal Teacher
Balancing the School’s Budget
Conflict Resolution
Evaluation of the School’s Program